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A group of young Joes are forced to become fugitives after a spy mission goes horribly wrong that involves the explosion of Cobra Industries Cobra Pharmaceuticals. Now branded as renegades by the media for crimes they didnt commit, theyre forced to fight. Pursued by the authorities, Cobra mercenaries, and the Falcons, they must use all their skills to prove their innocence and to expose the true face of Cobra Industries and its mysterious leader Adam DeCobray.
According to the recent "Hub Exclusive" TV broadcast promoting this series and Transformers: Prime, homages to The A-Team movie are used in the background of this incarnation of the characters. Most notable is that Roadblock is stated to parallel B.A. Baracus in size and mechanical aptitude, and Flint is formally an actual officer rather than a warrant officer and is specifically the officer assigned to arrest the "Renegades", akin to Colonel Lynch of the A-Team series. Also, Lady Jaye is sympathetic to her longtime friend Duke and provides covert support for him and the Renegades, much like Captain Charissa Sosa in the A-Team film and Amy Allen in the 1980s TV series.




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