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这是一部为怀有雄心壮志的餐厅业者而成立的全新真人秀节目,由《Top Chef》制作人精心打造。所有参赛者会在节目中展开激烈的竞争,获胜者将可得到资本投资成立一家全新连锁餐厅, 在好莱坞、明尼苏达以及纽约成立三家分店。 明星大厨Bobby Flay将担任本节目的指导, 与Curtis Stone, Steve Ells, Lorena Garcia共同评审, 并共同投资最后冠军的新连锁餐厅。
经过全美报名筛选, 21位竞争者将呈现自己最精心独特的餐厅开店构想, 得到评审投资人的青睞!
Contestants vie for the opportunity to see their original restaurant concept be realized with the opening of a restaurant chain in three locations: Hollywood, Minneapolis and New York City. Funding the restaurant concepts are four accredited investors: chefs Bobby Flay, Lorena Garcia, and Curtis Stone, as well as Steve Ells, founder, chairman and co-CEO of Chipotle. Flay, Stone, Ells and Garcia also serve as mentors, working with the competitors to further develop their ideas. Each contestant's concept is put through rigorous business and cooking challenges to determine whether it has what it takes to become America's next great restaurant.




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