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搜视网 > 综艺 > Cluedo


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One of the most interesting game shows ever, which was based on intelligent, attention, and improvisation, as well as Anthony E. Pratts classic board game. Mrs. Elizabeth Peacock is a wealthy widow living in Arlington Grange with her step-daughter, the seductive Miss Vivienne Scarlet, and her faithful maid, Mrs. Blanche White. Every weekend, she invites her best friends over. They are Professor Peter Plum, Reverend Johnathan Green, and Colonel Michael Mustard. There will usually be someone new thrown into the mix, whom everyone will have a motive of sorts to kill. This will be a short film showed to two teams of celebrities, who will than question the suspects and try to fit together whodunit, where, and how. Than, they would make an accusation, and eventually the killer would come clean and a film showing the murder being committed would be shown. There was no actual prize for the winner save the satisfaction that they were better sleuths than the other team. Every season (and the Christmas episode) had a completely new cast.
Written by Dr. Black




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