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搜视网 > Woofy


  1. 上映日期: 评分: 总体评分
  2. 导演: 暂无导演信息 年代: 地区:
  3. 主演: 马克·卡马乔


In a household where no pets are allowed, a dog, in cahoots with his little boy master, passes himself off as a stuffed animal. Formerly a stray, Woofy and Antoine have forged a special bond which has lead to Antoine taking the dog home and claiming to have won a "stuffed animal" at school. From that day on, the dog has been living a secret life in his young master's bedroom. But for both dog and boy, it's a dangerous game in a household where Antoine's mother, as fussy a housekeeper as there has ever been, has laid down the law : no animals allowed!




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