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评分:       主演: 亨利·科泽尼 / Crystal Dawne


本片是关于Neale Walsch的真实故事,他在人生中最困难的时候向上帝发问。而他从上帝或者说是他内心中获得的答案成就了一本销量超过七百万、被翻译成34种语言的畅销书。本片讲述了他经历了大起大落的戏剧性旅程而最终成为畅销书作家故事。 Adapted from the books by Neale Donald Walsch that inspired and changed the lives of millions worldwide, "Conversations with God" tells the true story of Walsch (Henry Czerny) who, at the lowest point in his life, asks God some very hard questions. The answers he gets from God/within become the foundation of an internationally-acclaimed book series that has sold over 7 million copies and been translated into 34 languages. The film chronicles the dramatic journey of a down and out man who inadvertently becomes a spiritual messenger and bestselling author.




1.低压槽:欲望之城 2018-04-28上映
2.幕后玩家 2018-04-28上映
3.后来的我们 2018-04-28上映
4.战神纪 2018-04-28上映
5.犬之岛 2018-04-20上映
6.湮灭 2018-04-13上映
7.狂暴巨兽 2018-04-13上映
8.寻找罗麦 2018-04-13上映
9.暴裂无声 2018-04-04上映
10.起跑线 2018-04-04上映


1.昼颜 2018-05-18上映
2.超时空同居 2018-05-18上映
3.荒城纪 2018-05-18上映
4.寂静之地 2018-05-18上映
5.复仇者联盟3:无限战争 2018-05-11上映
6.我是你妈 2018-05-11上映

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