rn 又有新的命案发生了,这次是一个乐团的成员遇害.凶手用极其残酷的手法,把受害者的喉咙割掉,插入琴弦,做成了一个人体乐器安放在舞台的中央。汉尼拔通过他的患者认识了tobias,tobias是个疯狂的乐器爱好者人,他们一样拥有不可告人的可怕癖好。rn
If past behavior is an indicator of future behavior, there is only on way you will forgive Will Grah…
Will Graham:
Blame has a habit of not sticking to Hannibal Lecter. 责备有不坚持汉尼拔.莱克特的习惯。
Hannibal Lecter:
Will, was it good to see me? 威尔,看到我很好吗
Its hard to predict when brittle materials will break. 这是很难预测时,脆性材料将打破。
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