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评分:       主演: 查德·艾伦 / 塞巴斯蒂安·斯宾赛 / 玛戈·基德


Even though the local authorities are none too enamored of him, private investigator Donald Strachey (Chad Allen) is the go-to guy for gay-related crimes in Albany, New York. In this latest installment, he finds himself helping an older lesbian couple (Margot Kidder and Gabrielle Rose), the apparent victims of a hate crime. The two have been together forever, and they’re as comfortable as an old quilt. But now they’re being terrorized by someone upset with Kidder’s character, a high school teacher who recently came out and who is becoming increasingly outspoken on the subject of GLBT rights. Meanwhile, there’s a sexy new guy in town, the clean-cut Andrew, to give the lesbian couple a hand with their increasingly dangerous situation. He’s a former student of Kidder’s and, oh, yeah, he just happens to be the ex-boyfriend of Donald’s partner Timmy (Sebastian Spence). Of course, this being a mystery, no one is exactly who they appear to be. Before long, the not-so-clean-cut Andrew is naked in the moonlight, trying to seduce Donald away from his partner. “Don’t tell me you’re monogamous,” he says disdainfully when the private investigator turns him down...




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