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Y.H.A. 30+ 香港青年藝術家對談錄

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Y.H.A. 30+ 香港青年藝術家對談錄剧情介绍

本片先後訪問十四位本地年青藝術家,大部份與導演年紀相若,份屬同輩,用現在流行的講法,都是七十後的。相比八十後,大學畢業後首當其衝,便要應付經濟下滑、停滯流動、價值單一化的社會環境,要在這種形勢下從事藝術創作,並視之為一種事業(CAREER),實在是「攞苦黎辛」,各位有心人只好自求多褔。如果硬要為這個抉擇找出原因,大可回溯到自己的藝術體驗、成長經歷、求職升學、各種人生遭遇等等。然而,視藝術創作為一己的職志,大家心底裡考慮什麼問題?究竟在香港做藝術家,有冇得做? 受訪藝術家包括:周凱兒  蔡世豪   劉學成  李智海  呂永佳  彭倩幗  楊嘉輝  由零開始  曾翠珊 This film has documented14 interviews with local young artists of approximately the same age and same generation as the Director, the Post-70, one might say using the fashioned term. After finishing tertiary education, they were immediately challenged with the recurrent economy downturn and a society too rigid and suffocating for alternatives. Sustaining their arts persual under such circumstances, and take it as a career is simply suicidal. While we keep our fingers crossed for these hearty young people, their reasons and journey to becoming artists are ant-biting our curiosity. Previous art-related experiences, upbringings, studies, works or life-turning incidents may be the explanations, but what is it they most concern about after all? Is Hong Kong a feasible place for their arts development? Artists: CHAU Hoi Yee, Kirtsy   CHOI Sai Hoi, ST   LAU Hok Shing, Hanison  LEE Chi Hoi, Chihoi   LUI Wing Kai, Eric     PANG Sin Kwok, Beatrix    Samson YOUNG    Start from Zero   TSANG Tsui Shan, Jessey

Y.H.A. 30+ 香港青年藝術家對談錄讨论区



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8.寻找罗麦 2018-04-13上映
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5.复仇者联盟3:无限战争 2018-05-11上映
6.我是你妈 2018-05-11上映

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