"Charlie's Angels" goes sci-fi, with a touch of "Men In Black" thrown in for good measure, when three aliens morph into super-hot babes and arrive to protect the earth from the intergalactic forces of evil. Guided by Syntax, their holographic mentor, these Illegal Aliens are willing to use every trick in the book and every sexy outfit in their wardrobe to accomplish their mission! This film is filled with high-energy action, lowbrow spoofs and the high-camp acting reminiscent of the classic B-Movie genre how else could this film get away with Anna Nicole Smith saving the world? "Illegal Alien's" pokes fun at today's Hollywood and pays tribute to the so-called "Bad Movies" we all love to hate! 三个外星生物来到地球上以后变成了三位超级火辣的俏妞。然而这三位来地球可不是为了观光旅游,而是肩负重任,就是要与银河系的超级恶魔做斗争来解救手无寸铁的地球人。银河系的罪恶之王名字叫做撒坦克斯,是所有邪恶生物全能的首领。为了完成拯救地球全人类的伟大使命,我们的这三位超级无敌火辣小俏妞们将利用一切手段来与邪恶势力做斗争,包括积极运用她们作战兵法中的欺骗与诡计等手段外加充分展示她们衣橱里的热裤和比基尼等等。欢闹的银河大战即将展开。