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评分:       主演: 詹姆斯·拉索 / 大卫·卡罗素 / 王盛德 / 朱迪斯·玛丽娜


Director Abel Ferrara liberally employs his blackjack intensity in this lunatic gang romance that comes across as a cross between Mean Streets and West Side Story. The New York City street gangs of Chinatown and Little Italy are rattling their sabers and they become drawn when a Chinese restaurant opens up on the Italian side of Canal Street. In the middle of all this tension and violence, beautiful Chinese teenager Tyan-Hwa (Sari Chang) falls in love with Tony (Richard Panebianco), a pizza delivery boy. Of course, continuing with in the West Side Story vein, the parents of the two lovebirds are against the match. Not only that, but the Mafia and the Chinese mob conspire to separate the lovers in order to maintain an uncertain peace in the community.




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2.幕后玩家 2018-04-28上映
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4.战神纪 2018-04-28上映
5.犬之岛 2018-04-20上映
6.湮灭 2018-04-13上映
7.狂暴巨兽 2018-04-13上映
8.寻找罗麦 2018-04-13上映
9.暴裂无声 2018-04-04上映
10.起跑线 2018-04-04上映


1.昼颜 2018-05-18上映
2.超时空同居 2018-05-18上映
3.荒城纪 2018-05-18上映
4.寂静之地 2018-05-18上映
5.复仇者联盟3:无限战争 2018-05-11上映
6.我是你妈 2018-05-11上映

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