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百多年前,有一批信奉蛇靈的亞思拉比族人,在一個月圓之夜,正當他們準備迎接新世代的降臨時,被另一批教派的族人伏擊,而唯一生還者,正是亞思拉比族人的新領袖-亞拉蒂。 百多年後的今天,電視台的職員波頓正準備製作一輯有關亞思拉比族人教派的節目,他們更到訪傳說中的神聖寺廟,但不幸被一班毒梟襲擊,波頓僥倖能逃脫,遇上了亞拉蒂。最後,他們更譜出一段動人戀曲…… One hundred years ago, there was a cult named Asirapit. They respected the snake which rolled at Siva's neck. During announcing a new descendant on a full moon night they were attacked by a group of people. The only survivor was Arty who is the descendant of Asirapit cult. Unit nowadays, Discovery channel staffs would like to visit a monastery of Asirapit cult for their series production. Unfortunately they were attacked by drug smuggers. He has escaped from them and met Arty. Finally, they had recovered, they fell in love each other...




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