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silken synergy

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silken synergy剧情介绍

Bibi Russell, Bangladesh’s first supermodel, received her fashion education in London 1972. Spotted at her first show, she emblazoned international catwalks, as muse to YSL & Armani. Witnessing a devastating flood, Bibi returned to Bangladesh hoping to resurrect the weavers. Today fifteen years later, Bibi, a UN Ambassador for Fashion Development & Artist for Peace, with a Fellowship in Fashion has single handedly saved the livelihood of over 80000 weavers from Spain to Sri Lanka. Inculcating the dignity of design, she is known for espousing controversial views on child labor and women’s empowerment. Challenging weak governmental policies, refuting the servitude of outsource economies; she educates and creates sustainable employment for grassroots level weavers and craftsperson. Questioning why countries fueling global retail -India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, don’t have a single ‘national brand, she takes on the onus of nurturing the nascent eastern fashion fraternity, braving crossfire and controversies she works towards creating national brands that will use the talent of the crafts community and stir confidence in the 23 million people affiliated with the eastern garment industry. Taking on the challenge of tackling eastern apathy, towards regional culture, she researches economical, eco-friendly solutions, seeking to shape emerging eastern cultural identities. Between shimmering threads and harsh realities, where workers putting in 12 hours for less than a 1 US$, Bibi’s day is filled with moral responsibilities. What is it like to wake up every morning between a prayer hoping to save one-more life and yet sometimes fail? Shot over two years 2008/ 2009 the financial upheaval across the world is reflected in the lives of our key characters, against this global canvas as our story unfolds. As the countries largest outsource industry falters, can Bibi’s green philosophy becomes a ray of light for a better tomorrow?

silken synergy讨论区



1.低压槽:欲望之城 2018-04-28上映
2.幕后玩家 2018-04-28上映
3.后来的我们 2018-04-28上映
4.战神纪 2018-04-28上映
5.犬之岛 2018-04-20上映
6.湮灭 2018-04-13上映
7.狂暴巨兽 2018-04-13上映
8.寻找罗麦 2018-04-13上映
9.暴裂无声 2018-04-04上映
10.起跑线 2018-04-04上映


1.昼颜 2018-05-18上映
2.超时空同居 2018-05-18上映
3.荒城纪 2018-05-18上映
4.寂静之地 2018-05-18上映
5.复仇者联盟3:无限战争 2018-05-11上映
6.我是你妈 2018-05-11上映

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