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Hamfat Asar

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Hamfat Asar分集剧情介绍

"Jordan is one of the collagists and animators of film who can produce a significant vision. He is finding a way to work seriously with animation. Jordan is starting to significantly develop animation, in HAMFAT ASAR, as a fine arts mode." - Carl Linder, SF Observer Animation. The strangeness of this film is laced with carefully molded apocalypses as the filmmaker explores a vision of life beyond death - the Elysian fields of Homer, Dante's Purgatorio, de Chirico's stitched plain. A moving single picture. Evolving the structure or script for the film involved a process of controlled hallucination, whereby I sat quietly without moving, looking at the background until the pieces began to move without my inventing things for them to do. I found that, given the chance, they really did have important business to attend to, and my job was to furnish them with the power of motion. I never deviated from this plan. Awards: First Prize, University of Wisconsin Film Festival; Kokosing Award, Kenyon Film Festival. Exhibition: Museum of Modern Art, NY; Pacific Film Archive; Carpenter Center, Harvard University; American Avant-garde Film Exhibition, Tokyo; Filmex, LA. Collection: Anthology Film Archives; Australian National Library. 1965, 16mm, b&w/so, 15m

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